Retrieving user information
This call will allow you to retrieve the information of a user in the specified environment.
URL parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
query | String | No | The URL encoded JSON object that contains a Mongo query. |
Supported query properties:
- the main document id, as
- username
- globalEmailAddress
- name (environment name)
- email (environment email address)
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Content-Type | String | Yes | Provide the content type of your call. Only application/json is supported. |
X-User-Id | String | Yes | The ID of the user who wants to trigger the REST action. This ID is returned by the authentication call. |
X-Auth-Token | String | Yes | The authentication token that the authentication call returned. |
_environmentid | String | Yes | ID of the environment |
When a request is being made to the endpoint without the query parameter details of the current user will be returned. A request with the query parameter specified can only be applied when the authorization user has admin rights.
Authorization user or user specified by filter parameters (admin only).
An example:
curl --location -g --request GET 'localhost:3000/api/v1/users?query={%22_id%22:%22JdZH7SjsSEHmKBjQN%22}' \
--header 'X-Auth-Token: 7ZkzgsGZK5aDsP3FP2AvjCaq6PwmG3GW6bhmS6udMgj' \
--header 'X-User-Id: a6gA9rYaGTFKPrT5P' \
--header '_environmentId: maxedy_pizza' \