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Add Visitor

The Add Visitor rule is one of the means of adding a visitor to an access group in a document.


The rule can be added to:

  • User actions
  • Bulk actions
  • Scheduled actions
  • Rest actions


Property Required Description
Label No A brief description of the rule. This description is visible in the list of rules and meant to distinguish similar rules from each other.
Description No A longer description of the rule. You can use this field to describe the purpose of the rule is.
Name Yes In this field you can set the name of the visitor. BizzStream expressions such as {!name!} are allowed. However, this expression must refer to a header field. You can also enter a fixed name.
E-mail No Here you can set the e-mail of the visitor you want to add. In this field you can use BizzStream expressions such as {!email!}. However, this expression must refer to a header field. You can also decide use a fixed e-mail address.
Company No Here you can set the company name of the visitor. BizzStream expressions are allowed but must refer to a header field.
Description No Here you can set as description the reason why you have added the user as visitor to the document. BizzStream expressions are allowed but must refer to a header field.
Access Groups Yes In this field, you have to select to which access group the visitor will be added. You can select multiple Access Groups.
Layout Yes A layout that the visitor uses to view the document. Only layouts of the type Document Page can be selected.
Language Yes You can select the language of the user. BizzStream uses this the language to resolve translation keys and to determine in which language the system messages should be displayed.
Locale Yes The locale of the visitor. BizzStream uses the locale to determine the appropriate formatting of numbers, dates, times, etc.
Expiry Date No This is the date on which the visitor token expires and the visitor can no longer see the document. BizzStream expressions are allowed but must refer to a header field of the type date.
Expiry Time No This is the time on which the visitor token expires and the visitor can no longer see the document. BizzStream expressions are allowed but must refer to a header field of the type time.
Execute Only If No The condition that needs to be met in order for this rule to execute. If this field is empty, the rule will always be executed.