Save PDF
The Save PDF rule generates a PDF based on a template and saves it to an attachment header field.
The rule can be added to:
- User actions
- Scheduled action
- REST action
- Bulk actions
Note: The default operation override will remove all existing attachments from the specified attachment field.
Property | Required | Description |
Label | No | A brief description of the rule. This description is visible in the list of rules and meant to distinguish similar rules from each other. |
Description | No | A longer description of the rule. You can use this field to describe the purpose of the rule is. |
Template | Yes | The template that is used to generate the PDF that is saved into the header field. |
Execute Only If | No | The condition that needs to be met in order for this rule to execute. If this field is empty, the rule will always be executed. |
Save to | Yes | Dropdown containing only attachment fields defined as header fields in the DD. The PDF will be added to the specified field in the document. |
Render language | Yes (by default filled in) | Dropdown containing three options:
Operation | Yes | Dropdown that contains two options:
Synchronous | No | Indicates whether the Safe PDF operation should have been completed before continuing with the next rule. |