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Show notification

As the name indicates, the Show Notification rule is used to show a notification to the user on the device he is working with. There are three types of notifications that can be shown:

  • Info
  • Success
  • Error


The rule can be added to:

  • User actions


Property Required Description
Label No A brief description of the rule. This description is visible in the list of rules and meant to distinguish similar rules from each other.
Description No A longer description of the rule. You can use this field to describe the purpose of the rule is.
Type Yes The type of notification that will be shown. Possible values are information, error, and success.
Title Yes The title of the notification dialog. This field can contain BizzStream expressions. The notification title is only shown in the desktop interface.
Message Yes The text of the notification. This field can contain BizzStream expressions.
Execute Only If No The condition that needs to be met in order for this rule to execute. If this field is empty, the rule will always be executed.